The building blocks of all drumming
Rudiments can be quite a divisive topic within drumming. I’ve heard great drummers who swear by them as the key to unlocking more and more skill on the drums. Others who shout from the rooftop screaming, you never EVER need rudiments to play the drums.
Rudiments in drumming terms is the study of patterns and co ordination, normally with regards to our hands. It’s like learning scales on a piano to develop dexterity to allow yourself to play a full piece of music. The keys to utilizing rudiments correctly are…
a) Understanding they develop your hands. This is crucial for any drummer.
b) Not being intimidated. We’re talking rights and lefts, nothing scary here.
c) Finding fun and practical applications on the drum set.
I view rudiments the same as reading. Why limit yourself? Check them out. Again, a great teacher will help you to find the the real use and potential on the drums. Wanna know a secret? If you play the drums… you’re using rudiments anyway. You may as well know what you’re playing!